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The Secret of the Gnomes along Gibraltar Road

After our Thanksgiving dinner, Bob and I went out for a drive. We came upon our friend and former Fish Creek Grocery owner, Mrs. Norz. She was walking near her home on Gibraltar Road. Mrs. Norz told us of the secret Gnomes her grandchildren had found years ago. When her grandchildren come to visit, they leave notes at the Gnome's home and with every note, the grandchildren receive a reply. However, each year, about this time in November, the replies do not come, as the Gnomes take leave. They head to the North Pole to help Santa. Mrs. Norz was out looking to see if the Gnomes had left. Fortunately for us, they were just packing to leave. Bob grabbed his camera and asked permission to take a picture or two. The Gnomes graciously granted him permission. After the photos, the Gnomes wished us well and off they trotted telling Mrs. Norz they'd return after the holidays.